# Directives: start_of_strum
This directive indicates that the lines that follow define a strum pattern.
For example
... syntax to be determined ...
The result could look like:
The arrow indicates the direction of the strum, up or down.
A dashed arrow indicates a arpeggio (slow) strum.
A cross above the arrow indicates that the strum is muted.
A >
above the arrow indicates an accented (emphasised) strum.
The numbers denote the beat in the measure. If there are more strums
to a beat (one-and two-and etc.), see tuplet
# Attributes
The strum directive may contain the same formatting attributes as the image directive, for example:
{start_of_strum label="Alert" align="left"}
See Directives: Image for all possible attributes.
Attributes specific to the strum section:
# bpm=
The beats per measure for this strum. If not specified, ChordPro tries
to derive the value from a {time}
Default value = 4.
# color=
The colour of the strum. Default is to use the current background colour.
# size=
The size of the strum. Default value = 20.
# tuplet=
If greater than 1, the beats are divided into n sub-beats.
For example, with bpm="4" tuplet="2"
# Directives: end_of_strum
This directive indicates the end of the strum section.