ChordPro markup language

The ChordPro markup language provides a means for text formatting using a subset of the Pango markup language as developed by the Gnome organisation.

The Pango markup language is a very simple SGML-like language that allows you specify attributes with the text they are applied to by using a small set of markup tags. A simple example of a string using markup is:

<span foreground="blue" size="100">Blue text</span> is <i>cool</i>!

ChordPro implements a variant of a subset of the Pango markup language, more suitable for the needs of musicians.

Markup can be applied to all texts and chords, but note that in a lyrics line the markup of chords is independent from the markup of the lyrics.

<span> tags

The most general markup tag is <span>, shown above. The <span> tag takes attributes in the form name="value" or name='value'.

Unrecognized and invalid attributes are ignored. The following attributes are recognized:

  • font_desc
    A font description string, such as “Sans Italic 12”; note that any other span attributes will override this description. So if you have "Sans Italic" and also a style="normal" attribute, you will get Sans normal, not italic.

    Portability note: Selecting fonts using description strings is inherently dependent on the ChordPro implementation and the system it runs on. Do not use this if you want to share songs with other ChordPro supporting tools.

  • font_family
    A font family name such as normal, sans, serif or monospace.

    Portability note: The family names listed above should be safe to use since they can be supported by all ChordPro implementations.

  • face
    A synonym for font_family.

  • size
    The font size in points, a percentage, or one of the sizes xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, or one of the relative sizes smaller or larger.

    The symbolic sizes are all interpreted relative to the current font size. From xx-large to xx-small each step is approx. 80%. smaller is the same as small, larger is the same as large.

    Portability note: Actual font sizes depend on the ChordPro implementation. For portability only use percentages or symbolic sizes.

  • style
    The slant style, one of normal, oblique, or italic.

  • weight
    The font weight - one of normal or bold.

  • foreground
    An RGB colour specification such as #00FF00 or a colour name such as red.

    Portability note: Colour names and codes depend on the ChordPro implementation. The following should be portable across all implementations: #RRGGBB where RR, GG and BB denote the red, green and blue components of the colour in hexadecimal notation, and the colour names red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, white, grey, and black.

  • background
    An colour to use for the background. See foreground for details on colours.

  • underline
    The underline style - one of single, double, or none.

  • underline_colour
    The colour to be used for underlines. See foreground for details on colours.

  • overline
    The overline style - one of single, double, or none.

  • overline_colour
    The colour to be used for overlines. See foreground for details on colours.

  • rise
    The vertical displacement from the baseline, in points or a percentage. Can be negative for subscript, positive for superscript.

    Portability note: Use percentages only.

  • strikethrough
    true or false whether to strike through the text.

  • strikethrough_colour
    The colour to be used for strikes. See foreground for details on colours.

  • href
    The URL for a hyperlink.

Convenience tags

There are a number of convenience tags that encapsulate specific span options:

  • b
    Make the text bold.

  • big
    Makes font relatively larger, equivalent to <span size="larger">.

  • i
    Make the text italic.

  • s
    Strikethrough the text.

  • sub
    Subscript the text. Equivalent to <span size="smaller" rise="-30%">.

  • sup
    Superscript the text. Equivalent to <span size="smaller" rise="30%">.

  • small
    Makes font relatively smaller, equivalent to <span size="smaller">.

  • tt
    Use a monospace font.

  • u
    Underline the text.

Using markup in chords

Markup in chords is supported, provided the chord name is not split by markup.

For example, this is valid:

[<span color="red">Daug</span>]

This is not valid:

[<span color="red">D<sup>aug</sup></span>]

Marked up chords appear as individual entries in the chord diagrams. This may be considered a feature.


Parts of this information is derived from the official Pango documentation.